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Can you suggest a good wireless router for home use ?

Can you suggest a good wireless router for home use ?

Please also suggest what are features/characteristics I need to look for in a router... so that I can choose from local brands too.

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    The Netgear WNDR4000 router is quite good.

    They are about $129.

    They offer:

    300 + 450 Mbps — maximum speed

    Genie® — Easy dashboard control for home networks

    ReadySHARE® USB—share storage

    Ideal for HD video streaming

    If you're looking for something that can combat DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, then I suggest a Cisco Router.

    Source(s): N/A
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Why dont decide for many maximum inexpensive and swifter with TP link WR740N having 150mbps connecting speed over wifi outfitted in get admission to component and common to,dlink,linksys,repotec r little question effective branded routers yet they're plenty pick for abode purpose no longer commercial,i m utilising comparable tp link for final 3 years and no whinge working like attraction.

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