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Which Hindu scripture mentions shiva as destroyer. Please provide a citation ?

I have read a lot of websites saying Shiva is the destroyer. Please provide a citation from scriptures where it states the three gods as the destroyer, protector and creator. Please be specific to this question.

2 Answers

  • Satan
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Just beware of Kali

  • ssrvj
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No where in Hindu Religious texts Lord SIVA is described as "Destroyer".

    This a creation of "Veted Interesrs".

    SIVAM means "Mangalam"=Auspicious./Benevolent.

    There is a prayer on Lord Siva.

    "Sivam,Sivakaram,Zaantham,Siva Aatmaanam"

    "Siva Uttamam,Siva Maarga Pranaythaaram"

    "Pranathosmi Sadhaa Sivam".

    Lord Siva is described as Zaantham=Peaceful/Serene/Poised/calm.

    Repeatedly He is described a s Auspicious and Benevolent--Lord SIva is also described as "Aasuthoshar"=One who gets "Easily" pleased by Prayers.

    In Vedham a large portion is dEvoted to Praiise Lord Siva only."Mahanyaas Poorvaka Rudram/Chamakam Japam.

    (1) GOOGLE==>"Vedham Chanting by European Vedha Chanting Union Group"--------PLEASE see (video) and listen(Audio) EXCELLENT CHANTING OF Rudram BY Europeans.

    (2) GOOGLE==>"Kuaui Monastry--Gurudeva Maha Samadhi--2009- day 2"---PLEASE see (Video) and Listen (Audio) Excellnet Chanting of Rudram and chamakam by American Caucasians".

    Europeans and Americans started understanding the Greatness of LORD SIVA.

    Professor Loriliai Biernacki of Colarado University=>(quote) "As meme,the spread of these HINDU Conceptual Tenets augurs, a more healing and soulful alternative to the mechanisations of Our (American) lives.our bodies,and our minds.'(en-quote)

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