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Horrific back pain. Help please!?

So like it says in the title I'm having horrific back pain. It's on my lower back and mostly on the left side, although the right side is giving me a bit of grief too. I have the highest pain tolerance out of anyone I know, yet this is having me yelping in pain, in tears and at points making me feel like I can't breathe. I have never had back pain before let alone anything like this and have no health problems that I'm aware of. So far I've taken two ibuprofen and have a hot water bottle on it. Is there anything else I can do or take? anything I should or shouldn't do? Any tips at all will be very much appreciated. Thankyou.


@Ronald. I don't have tramadol but I have codeine. I don't suppose you would know if ibuprofen and codeine are safe to take within a short amount of time of each other?

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    depends on what the cause is. I have lower back pain some times and I cure it by doing back exercises. Lay on your stomach on the floor with your arms tucked under your chest. Lift your upper body up off the floor not using your arms but using your back. Hold for 10 secs then back down. Do about 10 reps of that and you should feel better if it has to do with the muscles.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It could also be kidney stones. I have had pain on the left side which I thought were ovarian cysts that turned out to be kidney stones. There so many things it could be in that area, so like several others have said, it best to see a doctor if it continues. There's so much potential for something serious in that area that it's best not to guess...

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Have you already tried out Back Pain Relief 4 Life strategy? Proceed on this page : . This might definitely assist person!

  • 8 years ago

    You could have a knot in your muscles. Just take a warm shower if you can and try to relax

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