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Can someone please explain these two Algebra1 story problems? I'm really confused!?

Numbers 19 and 20

Thanks! (If the link doesn't work the first time refresh the page)

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    The first one the price goes up $2.25/day and the second one remains the same with functions what goes in must come out

    Source(s): Was in algebra 1 4times I should know by now
  • 4 years ago

    Given line : y = -5x + 3 ........................................... [a million] a.) A line parallel to [a million] and passin to show(2, 0) is : y = -5(x-2), OR, y = -5x + 10 >=======================================... answer b.) A line Perpendicular to [a million] and having element(2, 0) is : y = (a million/5)(x-2), OR, y = x/5 - 2/5 = 0.2x - 0.4 >================================< answer in addition remedy the Left-overs ..........................

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