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Can someone please explain numbers 24 and 26 (Algebra1)!?

Using a full explanation with numbers please? Thanks

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Vertical lines have equations x = c and horizontal lines y = c

    (x, y) --> (-5, -3)

    so, vertical x = -5 and horizontal y = -3

    (x, y) --> (5, 3)

    so, vertical x = 5 and horizontal y = 3


  • 8 years ago

    a horizontal line means that the y coordinate never changes.

    The equation of a horizontal line is y = (y coordinate of given point)

    24) the point is (-5,-3) so the equation of the horizontal line is y=-3

    26) the point is (5,3) so the equation of the horizontal line is y=3

    the vertical line is similar. The x coordinate does not change in a vertical line.

    The equation of a vertical line is x=(x coordinate of given point)

    24) the point is (-5,-3) so the equation of the vertical line is x=-5

    26) the point is (5,3) so the equation of the vertical line is x=5

  • Alex
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    24 (-5, -3)

    If line is horizontal the y value never, ever changes, so the equation is just y= -3

    If the line is vertical the x value never, ever changes, so the equation is just x=-5



    Horizontal line y=3

    Vertical line x = 5

  • None
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    A horizontal line has a constant y value and any x value

    A vertical line has a constant x value and any y value

    -5, -3

    horizontal: y = -3......This is true for every point on the line

    vertical: x = -5..........This is true for every point on the line

    5, 3

    y = 3

    x = 5

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