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Can someone explain the sims for me?

The games. I am clueless.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    The Sims all began with The Sims, Then The Sims 2, The Sims 3, NOW soon to be released The Sims 4. It is a simulation game where you can do almost anything. Despite the costly prices it is a really fun game available for computer and The Sims 3 for Xbox 360. I recommend The Sims 3 for the computer.

    Source(s): Years of experience.
  • The sims 1, 2 or 3? They are all similar, but sims 1 was made a long time ago, sims 2 a few years ago and sims 3 is the recent one. Sims 4 is coming out next year. Sims is a simulation game, where you control the people that are called sims, and you choose how they live their lives.

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