Yahoo Answers is shutting down on 4 May 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.
How do you contact Yahoo to get support for Yahoo Mail?
I have tried to get help with my problem by using Yahoo answers. So far I have notreceived any help.
I need to have my e-mail / contact problems resolved. I would like to speak with someone at Yahoo that can help me with my problems.
2 Answers
- Anonymous8 years agoFavourite answer
one of these links should help you.
- scottymarie1Lv 78 years ago
Hi, Your Yahoo Account MAY have been Hacked, this is happening to people all over the Yahoo network and has been been for months.
You need to contact Yahoo by Email
This can be done by clicking on HELP at the Bottom Right Hand side of the Yahoo Home Page.
Click on Mail, or whatever one is best for you, then go to the Bottom Right hand side of page and click on GET HELP to contact Customer Care.
Click on Category, page will reload for you to click on Sub Category.
Make sure you fill in Brief Details of what has Happened, click Enter.
Depending on the Category you select and the Sub Category you also select you should then see at the Bottom of the Page for more help Click on EMAIL A SUPPORT AGENT.
There will be a form to fill in. Yahoo will then contact you at a Different Email Address you need to give them. This email address CANNOT be a yahoo email one.
You could give them a different email address you already have or you will need to create a new one, Google, Hotmail, etc.
They need this other email address to give you instructions regarding your yahoo account.
You will also be asked to create a new password.
Good Luck