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Grand theft auto 5 question!?
When playing "online" will you be able to play by yourself with your customized character or do you have to be with someone like in a lobby? I really wanna play alone and with people as a girl because i am one. And I don't like the character options in the story.
3 Answers
- 8 years agoFavourite answer
You will be able to play by yourself (if that's what you're asking) and you'll also be able to play as a female. There are always private lobbies in which you can play by yourself or with your friends and you'll also be able to customize your characters from in-game stores and/or custom tab.
- 8 years ago
first of all a lot of people know about GTA V there is a lot of videos and articles on them and what do you mean like play by yourself. online is other people