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Why do people like beethoven?
His songs are terribly boring. They literally put me to sleep! They also lack anything and everything enjoyable! for example: a bass drop, autotune, or screaming. This is my opinion, and I respect that yours is likely different. But i want to know why the people who enjoy him do.
5 Answers
- wvculturalloverLv 78 years agoFavourite answer
You're just not "into" it. To explain why a person enjoys classical music is rather difficult. Unlike pop songs, classical works by Beethoven or any composer of classical music, are long and therefore require a greater attention span. Classical music doesn't always reveal its beauty upon first hearing. There are melodies, but those melodies are not repeated over and over so that they stick in your head after three minutes. Classical music works on contrasts...loud/soft, heavy/light, fast/slow. Tone color is important in that the melody is often played by different instruments. The chord structure/progression is more complex than the standard pop song. There definitely can be a strong beat, but classical music is meant for listening and not for dancing as pop music is. Polite foot tapping is allowed while listening.
If, after hearing a a great performance of a Beethoven symphony or any classic work, you are free to scream if you're really moved to do so. <G> Youth is meant for dancing. So dance your teenage years away. As you mature and are exposed to more Beethoven, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Brahms, etc. you hopefully will come to appreciate it. If not, there is no harm done. Everyone is different.
- ?Lv 48 years ago
Beethoven boring??? Perhaps you should learn how to listen to music, - real music that is. His music is so full of passion, creativity, emotion, - which is why it has endured for two centuries. His music was transitional, that is between the baroque minuets and the more modern romantic melodies of the 19th century. His music uses the orchestra much like an artist uses color, shadow, and highlights to paint a picture.
- 8 years ago
His music is incredibly sophisticated and the key to appreciating it is understanding it's complexity.
If you really want to understand it better I recommend you watch the short documentary where Bernstein explains the importance of themes and motives in Beethoven's 5th, guaranteed you'll recognise it.
Check it out
Source(s): Don't feed the troll Schroeder... - mister-damusLv 78 years ago
I agree. Early music is way better than classical.
Although the ode to joy is pretty good (especially at the end of the movie "The Money Pit")