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Lv 4
mikey asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 8 years ago

Why do parents wrongly believe they can put their daughters on birth control?

Many times I see parents mentioning putting their daughters on birth control, despite the fact they can not legally do so. It must 1st be discussed with the daughter and she has the final say, doctors can not RX or give birth control without the patients consent.


I just want to put out facts, a ? and answer site is no good if it is just opinions and not fact. Here are some other facts. Anyone 15 or older has the right to confidential reproductive health care and those rights also fall under HIPPA. 15 year olds can obtain their own birth control and the doctor/pharmacy can not disclose information in regards to reproductive health. If the individual informs them they do not consent to others knowing the must bill as not to disclose the nature of the visit. Also Plan B is not only available to women 15 over the counter but males can purchase it also for girlfriends, daughters etc. Irregardless of your beliefs these are the legal facts.

Update 2:

I just want to put out facts, a ? and answer site is no good if it is just opinions and not fact. Here are some other facts. Anyone 15 or older has the right to confidential reproductive health care and those rights also fall under HIPPA. 15 year olds can obtain their own birth control and the doctor/pharmacy can not disclose information in regards to reproductive health. If the individual informs them they do not consent to others knowing the must bill as not to disclose the nature of the visit. Also Plan B is not only available to women 15 over the counter but males can purchase it also for girlfriends, daughters etc. Irregardless of your beliefs these are the legal facts.

Update 3:

Sorry somehow a double post.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Some parents are just controlling, and therefore think they can do whatever they want with their kids, even when it comes to medical things. Sometimes parents' egos get in the way of the fact that their kids are their own person. My parents never forced me on that stuff when I was a teenager and I'm glad because I honestly don't want to f*ck with my hormones and I heard the pill causes weight gain, and my stupid self probably would've forgotten to take it. I'm still not on it(I'm 22) because it would literally be a waste of money to me since I'm not attracted to men and even if I was I've never dated anyone before and probably won't anytime soon.

  • 8 years ago

    Personally, I think it is a good idea for parents to have their children get a shot or an implant. Yes, you're right, legally parents can't just have it done, but I can see where they would put enough pressure on the girl so she will say yes. Look, these kids think that they can have sex and if they get pregnant it will be all romantic and wonderful. The truth is that raising a baby is hard work, and if the parents can't stop their kids from having sex, at least they can stop the worst consequence of it.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The bigger problem is the parents who are in denial and don't make sure that their kids have access to good birth control if they want to use it.

    But to answer your question, the parents are the ones who are going to end up raising and supporting the baby this girl is going to conceive. They do have a right as parents of a minor to make some decisions. I agree with the law that they can't prevent the girl from getting medical care and birth control, but I don't necessarily disagree with them putting some pressure on a girl to get birth control if she's sexually active. They can't actually "force" their child to do anything- but they can put pressure on by withholding other privileges, etc.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    i was forced to go on Birth Control once i was 18 ( i was ok with it ) i think they are just really worried. You can never be 100% sure what your child is up to and if she is being safe. No one wants their daughter pregnant at 16 because she didn't protect her self or was raped and now has no idea what to do. Kids now a day are growing up fast. I think its wrong to force them onto it but maybe talk to them and see how they feel about it. BC has really bad side effects, i would rather not be on it for thoes reasons but i know im no were near ready for a child so i want to be extra safe. A child has no idea what it is like to have a baby but the parents do and they don't want their child to go through it at a young age

  • 8 years ago

    Some girls do willing get put on it because it helps with period issues such as heavy bleeding, severe cramps, sickness, etc. I lost my virginity regretfully at a rather young age(14), not long after I broke up with the boy and I was inactive for about 8/9 months when my mom took me to the doctor to talk about birth control. Which I didn't understand why she was because I wasn't having sex anymore and hadn't been for quite some time. I didn't want to be on birth control because a lot of women have trouble conceiving even after being off of it for a long time. I didn't want to risk that but my mom told me I had to get it. So I ended up starting the pill. I stopped though about 2 weeks later because it made me sick. When my current boyfriend(1year) and I became active she put me on the shot. I've had 2 of them. The second time she told me that if I didn't get it we had to stay in the living room at all times, he had to leave when she went to bed, we couldn't go on dates unless I got it.

    Source(s): Mothers can't force their daughters to take birth control because the doctors tell the daughters it's their choice, but mothers can put them in situations that do actually force them too, as you've read my story above.. I hope this was helpful.
  • 8 years ago

    Laws on conesnt ages are unrealistic and delusional, humans are animals and WILL act on instint to pair up, bond and progress to mating. Humans are genitically supposed to mate and bond and make babies in teens , Thats why the reproductive equipment is fully operational and the hormones and emotions make teen life all about body chnage, crushes, datign, pulling, checking out the opposote sex, getting a look and progressing up the bases to full mating.

    It wont matter what consent age you set nature is nature and parents who are realistic know theis and get responsible puttign in place the contrception so when nature does its thing there wont be pregancies hopefuly till they have careers, savings, life experience, education, a house etc that nature does not care about.

    Clearly you will soon become a grandparents if this unrealistic and delusional... get your head out of the sand and help yoru kid grow up. Thats your job

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    What makes you think that 'putting my daughter on birth control' isn't simply shorthand for 'discussing birth control with my daughter, driving her to the doctor, and paying for the appointment and prescription if she (hopefully) agrees to go on birth control'?

    You're just misunderstanding what parents are really saying in the vast majority of cases. Nobody is talking about tying up their daughter in order to shoot her up with Depo.

  • 8 years ago

    I have another fact for you. Did you know that teens nowadays are having LESS yes thats right less sex than 20-30 years ago.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They don't want their daughters getting pregnant at an early age.

  • 8 years ago

    Cause they don't want a pregnant daughter.

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