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My iPod stopped working!?

I've got a 4th gen iPod nano that has recently just stopped working. The clicker/turny thing doesn't respond, it won't turn on, I charge it but within literally 2 minutes, it's dead flat again. Nothing happens when I put headphones in. I literally can't do anything with it. Could anyone tell me what's wrong with it and what needs doing? I'm not too bothered if it's stuffed, I can always buy another one (although I'd prefer to keep this one), but it's the music I'm concerned about. I've got over 2000 songs, built up over 6 years. If you're not able to help me with the iPod itself, would you know any ways of getting the music onto my computer from the iPod? It's very distressing! ):


1 Answer

  • 7 years ago
    Favourite answer


    Download ITunes into your desktop/ computer.

    Then you can transfer the songs from your ipod to your ITunes library on your computer.

    Since you have at least two minutes of charging there, you could transfer them two minutes at a time.

    The songs are not lost.

    Source(s): Get on a Youth Empowerment Seminar near you. six evenings of fun and more :)
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