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GTA ONLINE, help with cars?
I purchased a car online through the garage computer, it showed up in my garage, I took it out and drove it around then I lost it. I quit gta after saving it. Then when I went back online the car that I lost isn't in my garage. This is the first time I've bought a car online in the game so I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. Where do I get it back. Or how?
1 Answer
- 7 years agoFavourite answer
It may be impounded or destroyed. Call Mors Motor insurance on your phone (provided you bought insurance) and you can get it back. If you didn't buy insurance and it was destroyed then it's probably gone.
You should look on your map and there should be a white vehicle icon on the map somewhere indicating where it is. If not, you can go online and order it again for free (I think). Hope this helped. See you in Los Santos :)