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Evolution questions please help!?

I'm taking Evolution in school and they say that we change from tadpole to monkey to human you get the jest, anyways here are my questions #1) what did the tadpole evolve into before it was a tadpole? What started the evolution process like what was the first think to start evolving? #2) How come we don't see anything evolving? Last question, why do we humans be able to make humans? If monkeys technically make humans? And what do humans evolve into?


Yes i'm taking biology that has evolution in it, my mistake. I'm not a troll its a legit question. For number #1 i didn't think i would have to give every single thing... I go to a public high school, I had asked my teacher and now im asking yahoo to get a second option....

28 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    You have many misunderstandings about evolution. I will try to clear things up for you.

    1a. Tadpoles are the juvenile form of frogs, so wondering what evolved into tadpoles is rather meaningless. Frogs lay eggs; eggs develop into tadpoles, tadpoles grow legs and develop into adult frogs. As to what lifeform evolved into frogs: frogs are amphibians, their closest ancestors are tetrapod fish such as Tiktaalik.

    1b. Life started evolving as soon as there was life to evolve. I realize that sounds repetitive, but basically, as soon as RNA formed, it started duplicating and mutating; soon protocells evolved to protect the RNA from the environment; DNA developed as a way to slow the mutation rate, then cells (early proto-bacteria, really) started developing to take advantage of different environments, started competing for resources, and the winners evolved further. Things really took off when photosynthesis evolved.

    2a. Evolution takes time. Think of it like time-lapse photography. Hundreds of generations need to take place for an organism to accumulate enough changes for us to really notice. If you want to watch evolution happening on a human timescale, you need to watch lifeforms that have a very rapid generational cycle - like bacteria, which can go through a generation every 20 minutes (think about how fast yeast can grow to leaven bread or make beer!) Here's an example of scientists actually watching an evolutionary process take place:

    2b. Humans make humans because that's what's coded in our DNA. That's essentially what defines a species - A group with a common set of DNA that allows fertility within the group (all humans can potentially have children with other humans) but does not allow fertility with another group (humans cannot breed with monkeys).

    2c. Monkeys cannot have human children. Humans cannot have monkeys as children. Monkeys and humans are different species. BTW, you are falling for a common creationist lie, that humans came from monkeys. We didn't. Humans and monkeys are cousins - distant cousins. Our closest cousins are the great apes - gorillas and chimpanzees. (Hint: no tails). We are also cousins to horses and cows, because we are mammals, chickens and ducks, because we're warm-blooded and have an upright pelvis, turtles and alligators because we have four limbs and breath air, and certain fish because we have a spine. In fact, all lifeforms are related, and there's an entire field of biology, called taxonomy, that works to figure out our genealogy.

    2d. What will humans evolve into? No one really knows. But since the definition of a species is a group that can interbreed, when/if humans evolve into a new species, it will, by definition, no longer be human - that is, if a time traveler from the far distant future (say, 100k years from now) were to pop into today's world, they would not be able to have children with someone from now. If they could, they'd still be considered human.

  • Herve
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    1) a tadpole is a part of the life cycle of a frog.

    2) Because changes happen over generations. The evidence is in fossils and genetics. You don't see a star explode into a supernova either, because most of those happened thousands or millions of years ago, and we didn't see Santorini erupt and devastate the island of create, but there's evidence for it. We have observed numerous examples of evolution within human lifestimes - the bent toed gecko, the pepper moth, Elephants' tusks getting shorter. There's also evidence in living animals such as ankle bones in the bodies of whale that correspond with land animals like hippos.

    3) Monkeys and humans both evolved from a common ancestor. Humans will problably be the first species on the planet to outpace natural selection through technology, but only time will tell.

    WidgetMaster, that's a classic strawman argument. 'If you believe..' no, we don;t, and if you want to know how entropy can lead to life, read Erwin Schrodinger's 'What is Life' or the work of thermodynamicist Peter Atkins. It's much more illuminating than the Biblical account.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't think you are serious. NOBODY teaches that we came from a tadpole. I think you are merely, very clumsily, trying to entrap us in what you, incredibly, consider incisive and insightful questions.


    #1) what did the tadpole evolve into before it was a tadpole?

    I think you probably tried to ask "What did the amphibian evolve from?" The answer is 'a fish'. An interesting transitory form is Tiktaalik Roseae.

    #2 What started the evolution process like what was the first think to start evolving?

    Evolution is inherent to dynamic systems like complex chemicals in energetic environments. IE evolution has always occurred, ever since complex molecules came into existence as a result of the interaction of energy and matter.

    #3) How come we don't see anything evolving?

    Well, firstly we do see things evolving; secondly, the thing you mean goes too slowly to observe directly, in real-time, but we can observe it in the fossil record and in DNA patterns.

    #4 Last question, why do we humans be able to make humans? If monkeys technically make humans? And what do humans evolve into?

    ...No, I am sorry. I genuinely have no idea what this was supposed to be.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I'm taking Evolution in school and they say that we change from tadpole to monkey to human

    - Obviously you slept through everything.

    what was the first think to start evolving

    - The environment effecting the first two atoms, molecules and cells.

    How come we don't see anything evolving

    - Take more than the third grade course and you will see these things.

    If monkeys technically make humans

    - They don't, like I said, get beyond third grade.

    I'm not a troll its a legit question

    - It is a monumentally stupid question. You are asking questions that are answered in 3rd grade.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    We don't see anything evolving ? Think again:

    We have tiny virus like sequences ( Endogenous Retroviruses ) embedded in certain locations in our genome, now the most interesting fact is that we have sequenced the genome of the chimpanzee, found that it is aproximately 98% identical with humans, and also, we see that the same ERV's sit in the same locations in the chimp genomes as well, how is that so ?

    Chimps and humans inherited those ERV's from a common anscestor, that's the only way you can have it, when a virus becomes endogenized in a population it NEVER inserts itself in the exact locations in two or more species ( yes we share ERV's with many species)

    No matter how they evolved, they DID, we know this stuff !

  • Cogito
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Get a good book explaining evolution, read it, and maybe you'll start to understand.

    No-one is saying that people actually change like that.

    Over many millions of years, various living things developed from other living things. It takes a really, really long time.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Evolution is not a class.

    Tadpoles are not species, they are developmental stages in a frog.

    Before it was a frog it was an earlier amphibian.

    The first single-celled organism that reproduced and mutated to have different genes than its predecessor.

    Things evolve every day. Look at T.B.

    Monkeys do not turn into humans. They are cousins. Americans came from England but there are stilll English people. The populations were separated and diverged into separate cultures.

    Evolution is not Pokemon.

    Are all Christians this dishonest?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You clearly aren't taking evolution in school because those questions are the result of getting all your information from creationists

    Evolution of amphibians:

    Evolution would have started when self-replicating molecules first started reproducing.

    You don't see anything evolving because you aren't a biologist. Biologists see it on a regular basis.

    The last question makes no grammatical sense, but it seems to be based on childish creationist lies like "evolution says your grandma was a monkey."

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    "I'm taking Evolution in school..."

    No, you're not. You might be taking biology, which includes evolution, but you're not taking "evolution."

    "...they say that we change from tadpole to monkey to human..."

    No, they don't. Clearly you haven't been paying attention.

    " How come we don't see anything evolving?"

    We do. Evolution is an observed fact. Again, you're clearly not paying attention.

    "why do we humans be able to make humans? If monkeys technically make humans? And what do humans evolve into?"

    Humans make humans because that's what human DNA makes. Humans didn't come from monkeys, we share a common ancestor with them -- that ancestor was neither human nor monkey. And we don't know what humans will evolve into.

    If you're not a troll (and I suspect you are), then simply pay attention in your biology class.

  • 7 years ago

    Go back and read your text book again. you have it totally wrong.

    1. This sentence makes no sense. Please see the above.

    1b. This is not known for sure, but probably a amino acid polymer similar to RNA.

    2. We do. Google "speciation events"

    3. This again is a meaningless question. You just show that you have no understanding of evolution. That's fine, go educate yourself. See the first comment above.

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