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Lv 5
paki asked in Science & MathematicsMathematics · 7 years ago

Truth Value of the conditional, converse, inverse and contraposative.?

Hi, I need to find the truth value of the following:

Conditional: If you wear Nike, then you will run faster.

Converse: If you run faster, then you wear Nike.

Inverse: If you do not wear Nike, then you do not run faster.

Contraposative: If you do not run faster, then you do not wear Nike.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Please remember that Nike helps you to run faster. It is just an aid.

    If you are running fast, then you will run faster.

    If do not wear Nike, you run fast.

    The other two do not apply.

    You are saying that you are a man if you were a pant. If you do not wear a pant then you are not a man. Pant makes you a man.

    Suppose your sister wears pant, how do you interpret above results?

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