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How do you get the news stations off of Benghazi ?
By blowing up an airport in Turkey???
It was not looking good for Hillary this morning eh?
6 Answers
- CajunboyLv 75 years ago
Were not going away until Hillary goes away. You might understand better if you ever worked overseas and had to leave all family and friends or Military personnel knowing you might never see them again and alive. That's what the Ambassador for the U. S. and the other three must have felt waiting to hear from Clinton's ADMINISTRATIVE p we sonnet who had to bother and interrupt Hillary while she was drinking her coffee.
- SummertimeLv 75 years ago
_Ive had it with all that garbage too. The Republicans want it to go on and on so the people wont talk about them. The media aint nothing.And on the contrary she looks just fine. Cons look terrible.
- 5 years ago
You didn't actually pay attention to the "news" on Benghazi, did you?
You spent seven million dollars and two years to find out she is innocent of all your accusations. That there is no benghazi scandal.
- ?Lv 65 years ago
You can't tell the news stations what they will report. Change the channel or turn of your television. There are people who want to show their respects for those who died, and want to know what steps need to be taken to prevent it from happening again.
I'm sorry that you have to listen to how grossly incompetent the Obama Administration, State Department and Hillary Clinton are when it comes to National Security and Foreign Policy. I'm sorry you have to listen to Democrats try to spin the report and attempt to save face in spite of their ridiculous negligence. But Democrats believe that most Democrats will not read the report at all, so their leaders will spend hours and hours blatantly lying about the report. ...and the rest of the world media will spend hours and hours refuting the nonsense that the liberal media spews in the hopes that some Democrats will accidentally change it to their channel.