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i need some very important information on asbestos?

a store where i live in Roswell NM is taking asbestos tiling out and there not taking it out probably they have the store open so people can still shop and theirs a sign out side that says still font mind or dust now who do i report this people to i walk in there my self . now i need to know who i contact in Roswell nm

2 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    The store was built AFTER asbestos was ELIMINATED from use. If there was any asbestos present, the permits required to do ANY renovations would have prompted the regulators to close the store during renovations. You ASSuption of asbestos is ABSURD on its face.

  • Sandy
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    You could start here --

    That might not be the department you need, but they would direct you to the proper person to speak to.

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