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What's this song from the '90s?

I only heard it a couple times, summer of '93. The only lyrics I remember are from the chorus, "I like to swim, I like to swim." If memory serves there was a slight effect to make the voice sound aquatic, but don't quote me on that part.

3 Answers

  • 3 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Papa’s Culture / Swim

  • 3 years ago

    Agreed! I've talked with thousands older and normal people and all of them told me that at her prime Whitney had richer voice than Mariah Carey who has always sounded more girlish in compare with her.Whitney even sang ''La donna imobile'' with Pavarotti and he was amazed and said that she could be a great opera singer!

  • 3 years ago

    If you are a true musician you should know that there is not 5 octaves range!It is wrong definition! Mariah Carey's highest note is 4.5 octaves range in ''Emotions''!For me she has always been overrated because she is soulless and when i listen to her with that girlish voice is like i listen to 15-years old girl! Whitney Houston had richer and more feminine and powerful voice and she didn't lip sync on almost every her concert like Mariah does always

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