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How can people still vote for Andrew Gillum after it's been revealed that he doesn't intend to keep his campaign promises?
His campaign admitted in an undercover video that Gillum is lying to get elected. He doesn't plan to keep his promises. I feel bad for the voters who plan to vote for him with the expectation that he'll keep his word.
9 Answers
- nappaLv 73 years ago
the young like him thinking they are going to get free health care and free college.. nothing free in the world , some one always has to pay for it. when the young get older they will have to pay for some one else's. what goes around comes around.. get an education a job and make your own living.
- Spock (rhp)Lv 73 years ago
anyone who believed those "promises" never had their head on straight anyway
- Anonymous3 years ago
Let his voters know this.
- Anonymous3 years ago
Oh wow, another one of these anonymously created “undercover” videos “proves” that Gillum is lying.
I’ll bet the same people who made this video also created the anti-Gillum robocalls with monkey noises in the background.