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7 Answers
- ?Lv 52 years agoFavourite answer
Question to you...would you rather work with a group of women. Or a group of men...there's your answer
- Sunday CroneLv 72 years ago
They are of the same Generation. You make an assumption that is not necessarily true, I have no problems getting along with other women.
- LindaLv 62 years ago
Kate if following Royalty rules and Meghan feels she needs to be the next Queen....NEITHER one can be a Queen because they both married INTO the family.
- myfavouritelucyLv 72 years ago
You have been reading trashy tabloids, who make stuff up because the morons who read it believe any old thing. The people who write this stuff laugh at the people who pay to read it. Sounds like you're one of them? This is based on the fact you claim Kate and Meghan are different generations, when they are almost exactly the same age, and you asked this question in 'travel'..
- Anonymous2 years ago
The princesses are not at odds with one another. It is just the tabloid rubbish press making up stories to feed royalists.
- ?Lv 72 years ago
Kate is 36, Meghan is wonders what your deal is (and how the activities of these people you'll never even meet affects your life).