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Lv 6

Can an atheist prove there is no God?

29 Answers

  • Raja
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    They can't prove. They must give explanation about what is inside them all. It seems even theists never talk about this. When there is an easy way to prove the existence of God, why both atheists and theists suffer so much to prove his existence? It's really a great fun. God made it very easy but some people still feel hard to understand.

  • 2 years ago

    Yes. While nonexistence itself cannot leave any evidence of its nonexistence to share, we can "reason" a case for no God in the same manner that we can make a "reasonable" case for the nonexistence of square circles. The proof is in the contradictions the concept brings to things we already know to be true. For example, we know intelligence exists and we know the traits of intelligence where we can even assess the "level" of intelligence. There is a distinction between a book that a first grader might write and a Ph.d.. When we read our known holy books, they do not contain an intelligence that we might suspect an advanced alien race would have. Instead it contains the ignorance we would expect the writers to have from that era. While we can rule out religions as being correct, we are still left with the possibility of unknown Gods even though technically there would be no reason to suspect the concept in the first place if it were not for the superstitious minds of humans looking for magical Wizards as the source of their ignorance of how nature works. Again we can make a case for no Gods based on what we already know about the natural order and limitations of nature as well as knowing what actual intelligence looks like. Beginning with the natural order of existence, it's always from simple to complex over time. Nothing that is complex or a finished product "began" that way, it occurred through a series of simple steps over time to get there. All existence has natural limitations. It is only through imagining "magic" that theists violate this natural order and limitations to existence. Where the Cosmos shows us nothing but complexity forming over time, theists want to begin with a finished product (God) that goes against everything that points towards a simple beginning, not the most complex existence "imaginable" with no reasonable, rational explanation for this most complex existence other than it is just "magically" there. All religions are based on part reality and part magic. The reality part of religions work, which is why religions can still exist, but in every case, the magic that religions sell fails everytime where there are alternative "natural" explanations that their superstitious, irrational minds just will not accept. Even when humans attempt to define this imaginary God, they cannot do so with one trait contradicting another trait, which again demonstrates someone attempting to give proof of square circles, where we have evidence that supports squares and evidence that supports circles, but we cannot connect the contradictory evidence to establish the existence of square circles. There far more that supports the nonexistence of Gods, but I don't want to write a book. There is zero that supports the existence of these contradictory, magical Wizards or even the slightest of possibilities to be agnostic about.

  • Shadow
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    It’s religious nut jobs who make the claims their god is real but they have no evidence to show because they’re delusional and don’t know how to prove their point. They are all talk and brainwashed by a fairy tale called a bible and brainwashed by some guy in a robe in a building they call a church. The only way atheists can answer your question is with common sense and to see things clearly and as things really are instead of creating thoughts in the subconscious mind. Religious nut jobs are trapped in their heads and involved with their subconscious mind

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    No, we have gone beyond sixth grade and know you cannot prove a negative.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    No. They can only prove that they're just as annoying as everyone else, and prove they're too scared to kill themselves to prove to just themselves that there really is no God.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Can you prove there is not an identical copy of Earth somewhere else in the vast universe? Can you prove there are no Roman gods, no Greek gods, no Egyptian gods, etc. anywhere in the cosmos? Can you prove there is no invisible unicorn living in my yard and having his way with my outdoor water spigot?

    For the millionth time, it's impossible to prove a negative, which is why atheists leave the burden of proof on theists to provide evidence for their claims of a god.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago


    Oh god who is so mighty, powerful and scary. If you are out there and real you can strike me down dead right now




    Okay this might take a while. I’ll get back to you.

  • 2 years ago

    Can a Christian prove there is no Zeus ?

    -I contend we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.- Stephen Roberts

    Attachment image
  • Word
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Yes. I present to you, no gods. Can you prove me wrong by presenting a god? No, you can't, because as I've presented to you, no gods.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 years ago

    Why would I want to. Sounds like a boring waste of time. About as exciting as proving there are no fairies.

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