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What's with all this transgender nonsense?

4 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    It's not nonsense, it's science (and a gender identity)

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    "What's with all this transgender nonsense?"

    It's not nonsense, transsexualism (gender identity-body mismatch) is a scientifically proven birth condition. Most people are born with a gender identity programmed into their brain that matches the sex of their body, transsexual people aren't; that's what transsexualism is.

    A primer:


    Source(s): me-woman who was born transsexual (post-op)
  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    gee, what a well thought out question. i can really tell you're willing to actually learn about things, and aren't just excited to spout your awful opinion.

    trans people are simply people who have a gender identity that doesn't match what they were born as. there's nothing wrong with that, they aren't hurting anyone by existing as such, and it means absolutely nothing in regards to how they act or think or whatever. they're people, just like the rest of us.

  • 2 years ago

    It's some new mental construct supposedly dealing with human nature. Doesn't everybody have a combination of masculine and feminine traits? Of course! And isn't everybody different? Naturally! Does that mean that there are 7 billion different sexes among humanity?

    Well, some people think so. I just think everybody is human.

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