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Why are Superbowl commercials such a big thing?
I'm from Germany and whenever I watch football (soccer) and its halftime and commercials come on I usually go to the toilet gets some food or simply mute the tv and to something else...
why are people loving those commercials... I hate commercials especially when they are in between a movie or in football because it simply breaks the vibe
5 Answers
- tellitlikeitisLv 72 years ago
Given that advertising pays for the event to be televised, it's a necessary evil and superbowl is such a massive event that there's competition among giant companies to get the best slots at any price. Small wonder then that the public have come to want the time they are likely to be waiting around for play to resume to be entertaining. Going to the toilet isn't an option with US TV. Have you ever experienced the sheer level of advertising in ALL programs?
- 2 years ago
Yeah... As an American I don't get it either. I think it's one of those things that people believe and buy into because the media hypes it up as a way to increase readership or viewers. They're just commercials that companies paid way too much money to have aired. As a side note, I don't watch any part of NFL Football or go to YouTube to watch this year's run of Super Bowl commercials.
- 2 years ago
because since the superbowl gets such big ratings it's become a competition amongst companies to make the biggest, best commercials to air during the superbowl.
- L. E. GantLv 72 years ago
Statistics show that most adverts get between 0.5% and 2% response rates (ie buys)
So, if you get 500 million viewers, you have between 250,000 and 10,000,000 responses (sales). If you make $1 per sale, that's a lot of money compared to most adertising campaigns, especially if those sales generate follow-up sales.
While most people "hate" advertising, it's still the best way for businesses to prosper, and that allows people to have jobs, including you and your job....