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Anonymous asked in SportsFootball (Australian)Rugby Union · 2 years ago

What in the world is the DNC thinking when all they have are ladies with a socialist bent, unheard offs, or Joe Biden?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I see the category changer is here, abraXass.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Ladies with a socialist bent are a good thing. As to those who do not even really know what socialism is, or that we are already partially socialist like every other successful nation, no worries. People that uneducated will not vote for a DNC candidate, anyway.

  • 2 years ago So it's politics, and you're complaining because why? Because they don't have the A-Team line up, or some former football stars? Your question is ridiculous. "Unheard offs" running the country...oh my!

  • 2 years ago

    most won't admit it publicly, but many are thinking of the hundreds of up & coming names & faces who were voted out of office or disappeared off the viability radar due to their lock-step allegiance to obama's agenda...

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