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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesFranceParis · 2 years ago

Would Camilla likely feel resentment that she and Prince Charles had to wait until after the Queen Mum died to have their civil marriage?

The Queen Mum disapproved of their extramarital affair and never made an effort to even meet Charles’ mistress, Mrs. Andrew Parker-Bowles. Would Camilla likely resent that the affair was not approved of by the Queen Mother?

8 Answers

  • Clo
    Lv 7
    2 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I don't think that there was resentment. Camilla knew that it would take time for the general public to accept Charles' remarriage, and , by then, after the death of the Queen Mother, it was the proper time.

    It has been reported that he Queen Mother did not approve of the Charles-Diana-Camilla affair. Charles would not want to upset his beloved grandmother, so waiting was just seen as a small sacrifice.

  • 2 years ago

    You mean cheating Charles and horse face Camilla?

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago


  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Now, isn't it charming that you're so concerned about Camilla's feelings? I'm sure she'd find it heartwarming.

    However, dear, I suspect she never cared that much about marrying Charles. Charles cared, certainly, but Camilla doesn't strike me as the type who ever really gave a damn.

    Moreover, as Verulam points out, there's no solid evidence for the claim that the Queen Mother was ever against the relationship or the marriage (or that she was ever in favor of Charles's marriage to Diana), and good reasons to think quite the contrary. She certainly would have known Camilla early on and for years, not least because of Camilla's mother's prominence in society. It would have been inevitable. Oh, you didn't know? Camilla's mother, The Honourable Rosalind Cubitt, later Rosalind Shand, was "Debutante of the Year" in 1939. Her debutante ball, the last major social event before the war, was attended by King George VI and Elizabeth, the Queen Consort -- later the Queen Mother.

    I know it distresses you deeply to think that the Queen Mum might not have liked Camilla and that Camilla might have "resented" this. I'm so glad to be able to set your little mind at ease.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    No she knew what a vicious old woman the Queen Mother was.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    No, she does not care, they married,and before that they were living together anyway.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    She doesn't resent it because she is the typical trash who pokes her nose in places where it doesn't belong.

    You might as well ask whether the hippopotamus 'resents' the fact that he is not welcome in crocodile territory.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    I don't think there was a need to wait (until the QM died). And no (resentment) because I see Camilla as a sensible woman, if nothing else,. She knew how the cookie crumbled and that it was probably best her marriage to Charles didn't happen until it was the right time to happen, with the approval of The Queen.

    I'm pretty sure the QM met Camilla on many occasions because they moved in similar circles.

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