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Is Canadian football similar to American football? Could the teams play against each other in a hybrid game?
5 Answers
- 2 years agoFavourite answer
It was done as late as the 1970's. The CFL field is longer and wider, with larger end zones and different placement of the goal posts. The CFL allows multiple men in motion at the snap, has the rouge, three downs, and does not have fair catch. Among other rules differences.
- Anonymous9 months ago
no it is not similar
it is two things differents
- 2 years ago
They are similar, and both descended from rugby, but there are many differences, like:
-Canadian football having 3 downs instead of 4
-Canadian football having a 110-yard field instead of a 100-yard one
-Missed field goals that go out of the endzone giving the kicking team a single point in Canadian football.
I included an article about it in the sources.
- Anonymous2 years ago
Could you seriously be any more stupid than to ask that question?
- conley39Lv 72 years ago
It's similar, but the size of the field, the scoring and the rules have some variation. There's enough difference that they could play one game or the other but not a hybrid game