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Am I eating healthy? If not how can I improve?

I have been trying my hardest to eat better while its summer and it’s been going well. I’m not going to go overboard healthy but atleast have a better diet with more protein and veggies. I like to eat healthier alternative of snacks like cheese, dried fruit, nuts. I drink ONLY water and 1 glass of milk everyday. I usually have a sandwich or plain bread for lunch most days. I eat fruits every single day like berries of any kind, bananas, cherries and oranges. usually for dinner I eat rice with fish, chicken or turkey. And I do eat about 1 or 2 less healthy snacks everyday like cookies or rice krispes squares.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Also steamed and stir fry veggie combo's.Add all types of mushrooms if you like them.Good to hear you eat fruit too.Eating less fast foods is a big step in today's society.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I've had good results following the US dietary guidelines. The Food Plate is divided into four sections. The two larger sections are for vegetables and grains. Two smaller sections are for fruit and high protein source. I follow this for all three meals. Here is my usual meal plan.

    Breakfast; Omelet with mushroom& broccoli plus oatmeal with apples and raisons

    Lunch: Spinach salad with chicken avocado, corn, rice, orange, celery with olive oil and lime juice

    Supper: Steak, sweat potatoes, quinoa, brussels sprouts and pineapple.

    Attachment image
  • 2 years ago

    eat a hot bowl of meats ::D.

  • 2 years ago

    To be honest eating healthy just helps with energy and how your body runs, it's not a guarantee eating healthy food or dieting will help you not gain fat, you have to excercise as well, daily, maybe taking the weekend off, then take 1 week a month off to have full recovery. That, partnered with eating healthy (eating small portions wouldnt help with this, you burn more so you eat more) then you'll be healthy over time.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It sounds like you’re doing an effort which is all you need

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