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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesFranceRennes · 2 years ago

My wife was attacked by a giant bat creature!?

My wife and I were walking in Terry Hershey Park in West Houston this evening, just after the sun went down and a giant bat-like creature swooped down and started attacking her. Not including the wings, it was the size of a large man. She pepper sprayed it in the face and it let out an awful scream before flying off. I think she is okay but she has some scratches and bruises. Should we go to the emergency room or should she be fine. I worry that the thing could've had rabies, but she seems fine and it did not have foam in its mouth.

I drew a picture of what we saw, which is attached to this post. Has anyone else seen this creature?

Attachment image

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I think it looks like Elton John.

  • 2 years ago

    The trade market in france can be violetile at times do to the recent riots do I would be cautious when making investments there.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I would stay out of that woods and report it to the police. Ufo incidents are reported to the police also. I believe you and think that there is stuff beyond what we see.

    I definitely would stay out of that woods from now on or possibly go with a loaded gun but could cause problems if you are stopped and interrogated by policemen.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    My! What an active imagination you have! Active, but far from original.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    She needs a round of anti-vampire shots.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I would not go to the emergency room unless emergency rooms in the USA have the facilities, as British ones do, for managing acute psychiatric emergencies. If the emergency room cannot do this you need urgent psychiatric care.

  • 2 years ago

    you have been watching too many vampire movies. Flying creatures that large do not exist ... with a 6 ft long body... and teeth and a nose... get real.

    The largest bird is the Wandering Albatross which has a length of less than 5 ft, and looks nothing like your drawing. Birds do not have teeth, first of all.

    The largest bat is smaller, The great flying fox weighs about 3 lb and about 3 ft long.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Go back to bed. We don't wanna hear about your bad dreams.....

  • 2 years ago

    That would most likely be an owl, and no, they don't attack humans.

    Largest native bat you can hold in one hand and they don't attack humans either.

    Even the flying fox/fruit bat from the south is only a few pounds, even with 7 foot wingspan, and again, they simply don't attack humans.

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