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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 year ago

Why do you have to be a nazi or heartless to want people to work for what they get?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Lefties like ANTIFA are the Nazis.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Because we don't live in a 20-hours a week, fair-share economy. Some people work over 60 hours a week while others are unemployed (and would get poorer if they'd accept a part-time job).

  • don
    Lv 5
    1 year ago

    Liberals want people getting everything FREE.That way they can control the masses."VOTE FOR US OR THEY WILL TAKE AWAY ALL YOUR FREE STUFF" Its so obvious...They want to try to make you look bad and feel guilty if you vote against it.

  • 1 year ago

    Tell me, why does it bother you so much if some 62 year old crackhead on a porch in Duluth gets $150/month in welfare, when it doesn't bother you at all when Archer Daniels Midland gets two billion dollars a year to grow more corn for alcohol--and they get the price of the corn too!

    90% of the welfare the US govt. gives out is CORPORATE welfare!  Why does that never bother you guys?  Serious question!

    Facebook spent 16.7 million last year on lobbying.  Why do you think they spent that money?  What do you think it got them back?  And that's not even counting campaign funding.  How much did that old lady in Duluth spend to buy Congress?  (Duluth is SUCH a good city for this anaolgy!  I think Shreveport might be good too.)

  • Alan H
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Nobody suggests that.   But what about one who has been made unemployed by a system that rewards only the wealthy?

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    You have to be OK with the actual effects, like a struggling ecosystem.  A dead society.

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