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What is the view of the people about india?? ?

12 Answers

  • 3 months ago

    India is populous democracy in the world know for its rich cultural heritage. 

  • 4 months ago

    They are friendly

  • 5 months ago

    it is mixture , some people think it too good some are vise versa

  • 8 months ago

    Most people in the US think highly of India and Indians. Of course, there are the silly jokes about everyone there is a tech giant wannabe, but the food is great!! 

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    It is a very general question to be answered in one sentence. Basically from the view of majority of the people, India is a crowded country with a lot people living below poverty lines, lack of basic facilities especially in villages or places which is far from major town.

    A lot uneducated people, jobless, social problems, slow in administration, high living cost, corruption and many more.

    Only a small portion of people and places will be exception from these problems.

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    Slummies living dog fvck dog. 

  • 12 months ago


    Very rapey country.

  • 1 year ago

    two parts to this question ..those who have been there ..those who have not ..i have travelled it ..mainly by train ..just go to any train station after 2 pm struggle to move amongst the bodys on the platform .thats where they will sleep tonight ..and every night ..families living under a bush ..average 100.000 stray dogs per city ..the women and kids are great lazy mumbai 800.000 people live in a square mile ...vast majority have no toilets ..water or electrics ...very very poor government ....just too many people 

  • 1 year ago

    Poor, forced marriage, rubbish and human waste on the streets, extreme heat, extremely bad smell and uneducated people.

    India wasn't my favourite destination. I wouldn't go back. If reincarnation is real, I really hope I don't end up in india in my next life.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    I feel sorry for the people of India. 

    The vast majority appear to live in abject squalor while their government spends fortunes on a space programme and maintaining a nuclear deterrent.

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