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Lv 7
F asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 10 months ago

How do you feel when you get a job, just  because you are black?

Please could only black people answer this ( if that’s not being racist). 

What do you feel like if you get a job solely because you are part of a quota rather than you were the best candidate?

Are you proud or feel patronised?

1 Answer

  • 10 months ago

    I'm not black, but I was once told that I was a "protected species" because I am a female.

    Turns out, that's not 100% true.   My last boss told me that it might help me get a job, but it wouldn't help me whenever layoffs came around.

    Nowadays, I am not sure who would be "best candidate".  There is always somebody who would be a more capable employee than you.   

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