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? asked in Consumer ElectronicsLand Phones · 10 months ago

Why ordinary phones can't capture stars? I tried many times and nothing really captured?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago
    Favourite answer

    While your eyes can see plenty of stars in a dark sky, photographic film and digital sensors need a little help. They need extra time (long exposures) to collect enough photons for the stars to show up, and sometimes some processing in Photoshop (etc.) to bring out the details. Use a tripod or other support to hold it steady and a camera control app that lets you manually set the exposure. Patience and a willing to experiment will go a long way!

    Source(s): (Search keywords: "smartphone astrophotography")
  • 10 months ago

    Haha.. ACCIDENTALLY CAPTURED bats at night lol

  • 10 months ago


  • 10 months ago

    Switch it to nightmode. 

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 months ago

    Click pictures of the moon instead 😉

  • 10 months ago

    They can.  Just add some accessories--

    A portable telescope to track stars, about $800 for a Celestron 6 and a tripod stand

    An electronic eyepiece to gather light rays and use image intensify by cascading electrons, about $2800.

    A smart phone holder behind those, about $30.

    Or you can use a cheaper electronic camera in the telescope and send by USB to a laptop or tablet.  Might even have a smartphone program to insert the image.

  • 10 months ago

    Many people asks this thing online, Our phones are just too far to captured the stars. 

  • 10 months ago

    The moon sometimes We hardly captured perfect shoots with it. sometimes the results is not shaped well it doesn't look like moon but take time reading this interesting article below:

  • 10 months ago

    Sky so Dark at night and stars are not enough to light the sky that's why We capture nothing unless we have TELESCOPE.. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 months ago

    i would ask the phone company about it

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