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Why are people held back in art?

II found out I was cheated out of an arts education as a child for basically, illegal reasons, and racketeering of scores my 8 to 9 identical twin sisters did that live out in farmville land basically. I refuse to do the deals, all retroactively, including ownership of all companies and art my sisters committed fraud to do with my family, etc. I just think we are asking for cults, occultism, communist to totalitarian philosphy, and false doctrines of what faiths ring true, as well as simply bad economics, socio-geographical problems, and political and segration and discrimination all over greed. Thanks Jay-Z and Destiny's Child and Beyonce'. Your frauds and bribers and liars. I was never racist, but your wrecking society.

6 Answers

  • 8 months ago

    Never in my life have I heard of anyone with "8 to 9 identical twin sisters".

    Your question is utterly incomprehensible. Punctuation would help. Maybe.

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    That doesn't happen with grade school art classes

  • sam
    Lv 5
    9 months ago

    Someone might be held back in art if they didn't grasp the concepts taught in the class, or failed to fulfil all the components of the assignment.

    This would realistically only happen at an arts conservatory, or on a university course. Most regular schools don't see art as a core component of the curriculum. Someone might also be held back if they didn't attend enough classes. 

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Sounds like you might have been held back in trolling .

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    It’s always everyone else’s fault 

  • Scott
    Lv 6
    9 months ago

    Children are free to take elective courses in art if their parents permit it.  

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