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How contagious is someone who threw up?

I have a fairly severe phobia of throwing up had it ever since I was a child. No one likes throwing up but for me it's quite a bit worse. I typically get panic attacks and wish I were dead I've also experienced derealization before vomiting a few times and my surroundings will seem dark and foggy. Throwing up to me is easily a top 5 worst experience ever and I once had doctor's change a open wound without the proper pain medication dosage.

Just now I overheard someone say they just threw up and it scares me a little because I was sitting near her. I've read that bacteria from vomit are airborne but I'm pretty sure that you'd have to be pretty close to the vomit for it to reach you. Though she did cough a few times in the room I was in without covering her mouth did she cough out whatever made her vomit into the air? She was sleeping in the chair and I was on the couch the couch can fit 3 people and I was on the farthest end from her is that far enough or should I sit even farther away from her?

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