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magix151 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 months ago

Are Mitch and Lindsey racists?

In 2016, with 8 months until election day, the President Obama chose someone to fill a Supreme Court vacancy due to the death of Justice Scalia. Both Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham said that there would not be a senate vote on a new justice because it was an election year. Both said the people should have a voice in the choosing of a new justice, and the next president should choose not the sitting one. fast forward 4 years. Both men now say the sitting presiden should choose and they will push that person through despite it being less than 2 months to election day. Are those 2 old white men showing their true racist colors? The black man must leave office, but the white man can pick and get his choice pushed through?


Dru Zod: This is an election year. As Mitch said the people should have a voice. So why not let the nomination wait until after the election. Trump is not guaranteed to win. Let the next president pick.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago
    Favourite answer

    Yes they’re both racists, but racism was not the chief motivating factor behind their hypocrisy with regard to replacing RBG. That has everything to do with their blind desire to amass and retain power for their party.

  • Cowboy
    Lv 6
    7 months ago

    use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me, use my words against me

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 months ago

    After the terrible racist treatment they gave to Cavanaugh and all the arson , looting and killing the democrats are committing in democrat cities , it is important for the Senate to appoint a good Constitutionalist Judge to the bench .  An honest Judge is a bad thing to waste when we need one badly to counter the lawless democrat Marxist party of terror and intimidation .  

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    "Republican leaders simply did not want their fingerprints on the Obama agenda; as McConnell explained, if Americans thought D.C. politicians were working together, they would credit the president, and if they thought D.C. seemed as ugly and messy as always, they would blame the president. The late Ohio s George Voinovich told me in 2012 that there wasn’t much tactical nuance in the Republican cloakroom on Obama-related matters: 'If he was for it, we had to be against it.'"

  • 7 months ago

    Obama was at the end of his term and not running again

    Trump has 4 more years after this election.

    These are not the same situations 

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    Hypocrites, self-serving, and why I voted against my ex-Senator Dean Heller.

    What they said in 2016 was NO HEARINGS FOR SCOTUS IN A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION YEAR and quashed the Merrick Garland nomination completely for a record time. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 months ago

    Neither Mitch nor Lindsey spoke at the dirt nap of the last (hopefully) KKK Senator....See the list of Democrat race enthusiasts who DID eulogize the 'senator' whose KKK resignation letter is STILL LOST.

    Source(s): As is the list of the Democrats that the most famous KKK recruiter brought into the Democrat action arm.
  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    Not like Harris and Biden.

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