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Darwinist asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 6 months ago

Global warming regulars; Biden or Trump ...?

I seem to ask something like this every four years or so.   A neurtal question; just interested in the views of the regulars here.

So who would you prefer as the next US president, and why?

... and your view on global warming?

Best determined randomly from all 'complete and not too offensive' answers.  Thanks in anticipation ...


A NEUTRAL question; sorry about the typo.  

Update 2:

Ok thanks everyone. Apologies for not giving more feedback; I have been busier than expected with life in the real world.

Best determined as above, from AI P, Dirac, JimZ and Solar.

Looks like it's all over now, bar the shouting from the Trump camp. Truly incredible!

15 Answers

  • Al P
    Lv 7
    6 months ago
    Favourite answer

    Edit, get out the vote and be kind to each other!


    I'm a registered independent.

    Biden will allow experts to speak directly to the American people without impedance on complex subjects like the pandemic and that will assemble a rational political stage based on science.

    For the time being, the death rate will quickly spin out of control as Trump stubbornly follows his branding obsession as usual. Thousands will continue to die needlessly. There has always been a beautifully simple solution that effectively physically separates the virus from humans, buying time, while scientists develop vaccines and therapeutics but it's to late now for many.

    Trump made a branding choice as he always does, and so, there is no way back to reason. Nature will inexorably follow a path that completely ignores the obsession of one human being and his followers of course.

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    The one who’s friends with Mr Farage and likes England please.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 months ago

    Darwinist: Don't forget the "man-made" part...I know, I know...Its been changed many times over the years...Global warming, man made global warming, Climate change, man made climate change...and a few others. But you cant forget where to place that blame...and that would be with YOU. Not the Sun, not the last ice age, not a nuclear winter caused by a meteorite, but and those damned plastic straws. As far as the next president, I know I want Trump to win, but the Marxist-socialists have been planning this for a long time, they might be able to pull it off, who knows? One thing is for certain, President Trump is a way, way better human being than Biden. Trump is rough around the edges, but he wont rob you blind like the Biden crime family will. Kamala cant hold a candle to the integrity of Pence, I don't think she would even dispute that herself. We shall see soon...?

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    97% of everything lefties say is the complete opposite of the truth

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Biden.  The only people left who'd vote for Trump are: immoral or ignorant 

  • garry
    Lv 6
    6 months ago

    gee its hot in here , better put a jumper on , global warming where ...

  • Pindar
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    The one who’s friends with Mr Farage and likes England please.

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Personally, I think to support Trump at this point a person has to be either extremely gullible, or a white supremacist. He has been at the helm as more than 220.000 Americans have died from coronavirus.  Over the same time period, less than 500 have died in South Korea. Additionally, he pushed through a permanent tax break for the rich and corporations, along with only a temporary tax break for the middle class (designed to expire after this election).  Even before the pandemic, that caused a HUGE budget deficit during a time when the economy was supposedly good. You're supposed to pay DOWN debt during good economic times, not make it worse.

     I left the Republican Party more than a decade ago because they started rejecting science--and reality in general. It has only gotten worse during that time with a large fraction of the party believing QAnon fantasies. Very few in the party will acknowledge the threat posed by global warming, these days, if you believe in science you're labeled a "RINO". Biden is not my first choice for President, but I think he is a decent man (unlike Trump) and will do a good job. He does not tell everyone that he is a "stable genius" or the "least racist person there is" or that he knows more about every subject than the experts.

    If I had my druthers, I would probably pick Ben Bernanke, a person that is not only highly intelligent, but seems grounded in reality, something that can be said about few other Republicans.

    EDIT: JimZ says “There is not a single bit of evidence for Trump racism...” ! Like I said, they don’t accept reality.

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    Such a difficult for someone who took millions in bribes from Russia, China, Ukraine, etc or someone trying to change the utter culture of corruption.  I know you get your information from the corrupt so you may doubt my claims but frankly it should be prison, not the highest office in the land.  Trump will win, no worries.  Dirac makes the vile claim of racism which is typical of his slime.  Biden supported segregation.  There is not a single bit of evidence for Trump racism but then again there isn't a single bit of evidence for Peak Oil or CAGW.  

  • Murzy
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    Biden cares about the environment and people.

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