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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentInternational Organizations · 5 months ago

Can British people still call themselves "European" after Brexit? Despite not being in the EU?

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    people were European before the EU organisation in Brussels was formed you numb nuts.

  • 4 months ago

    not a chance and we are more American and has the late Charles de Gaulle said  when he said "NON" to us  becoming a member of the common market....." the UK's heart lies more over the Atlantic with the USA than with Europe and they will never be true Europeans and committed members of the common market "

    we even listened to talk about how to destroy the EU and if we could destroy it from inside or outside and they believed that when we voted to leave that other countries would follow us even though the  countries who formed the EU would never quit the EU , France, Italy, Germany or it would be a real embarrassment  to them and poorer countries would not quit the EU.

     yes get even with Farage  and  brexiteers by the EU staying together and reforming themselves and growing stronger and more prosperous and more freedoms .

    YES,  it is all about the conservatives having total control over their wage slaves unshackled from the EU  who they say are introducing socialist policies of giving workers more rights and consumers more rights and looking after the environment and we would have filthy beaches'  where it not for the blue flag initiative   and if we had not had fishing quotas we would have no fish now .

  • 4 months ago

    Britain is in Europe and with the Brexit, its location will not change.

  • 4 months ago

    Yes but they never have as European sounds bleeding foreign

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    The UK doesn't get to shift which continent it's on just because it's no longer part of the EU. The Balkan states are all European and none of them are members. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    hey never have been called european , there british , same as scotsmen , you fool . shows how much you know , very little .

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    We are still Europe but not part of the EU

  • 5 months ago

    When did they ever "call themselves 'European'"?


    Please share!

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    The Great Britain and Northern Ireland will still be part of the continent of Europe, just no longer a state of the European Union.

  • 5 months ago

    We never called ourselves European, Europe began on the other side of the English Channel.

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