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? asked in Cars & TransportationBoats & Boating · 5 months ago

It looks like a sensor.?

It's on the side of a boat inboard engine gas v8. There is no wire where it looks like there should be one. Anyone know whatit is? Where should it lead or something

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7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    this appears to be either a oil or heat sensor. You can most likely determine this by checking to see if your oil or temperture gauges work.

  • garry
    Lv 6
    4 months ago

    how about checking it with the manual instead of guessing ..

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 months ago

    this appears to be either a oil or heat sensor. You can most likely determine this by checking to see if your oil or temperture gauges work.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    It's an oil pressure sender/sensor. Tell me what year and model engine, and I can probably provide you with a wiring diagram.  

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 months ago

    That goofy hex that it has is for an oil pressure sensor (special socket needed) probably just there plugging up the hole as a lot of boats have car engines put in when the original marine engine grenades 

  • 5 months ago

    Could be an oil pressure gauge, but their should be a wire to it. Does your oil pressure gauge work?

  • 5 months ago

    Looks like a knock sensor. 

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