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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationBoats & Boating · 4 months ago

Is it wrong to steal from a place that is going into the sea?

So I had a dream today but it bring up a good question?

If you was on a boat that had a store and it sink into the sea. But you lived and got on a life boat would it be wrong to take something from said store without paying? If it go down into the sea anyway?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    I mean yeah if it was going down into the sea for sure I would grab as much stuff as I could. I could always give it back if the ship ended up not sinking. I would at least share it with the others 

  • Toruko
    Lv 6
    4 months ago

    In my area abandoned vessels are

    managed by the state.  Who get it

    inspected by a USCG Officer and a

    ID tag is affixed.  People can acquire

    legal title to tagged boat.  By taking it

    to a Marina or a private dock having

    a street address.  To get the title all

    vessels must be insured if over 5 tons

    of weight.  My state has +170 awaiting

    an application to own.  


  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 months ago

    Under Maritime law if a ship is abandoned and is sinking you have salvage rights to anything on board. Help yourself but remember to share with any other survivors.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    I mean yeah if it was going down into the sea for sure I would grab as much stuff as I could. I could always give it back if the ship ended up not sinking. I would at least share it with the others 

  • 4 months ago

    As you do not know for sure that it is going to go down, it would be wrong.  Otherwise, if the sea got a little rough you could say to yourself "I think we're sinking, Best to grab anything of value".


    Suppose you saw a person floundering way out in the ocean.  Would you say that it would be OK to shoot him as he looks like he is going to drown anyway.?

  • 4 months ago

    Robinson Crusoe managed it.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Until they've given up looking and presumptively abandoned it, the stuff still belongs to the owner of the ship or the shopkeeper, and you're only entitled to a piece of it for your work in salvaging the goods.

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