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Why does everybody think 2020 was a "bad year"?  We are making History.  Do your part! ?

If you are young enough, you will need to tell your grandchildren about it, so they will understand that it really happened.  They won't be impress if all you do is complain.

2 Answers

  • 4 months ago
    Favourite answer

    Why would I need to impress them regarding a pandemic, so they live in fear of the next one? Why do I need to tell them about it if they'll more than likely learn about it in school? Not following your train of thought here. 2020 was a bad year because pretty much every aspect of daily life and the economy suffered. Plus, of course, over a million people died worldwide.

  • 4 months ago

    It was a hard year, not a bad year.

       It could have been worse; Trump could have been re-elected. There could be no Coronavirus vaccine(s).

       It isn't even on the radar with, say, a year from the Middle Ages, or a year from The War Against Hitler.

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