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will i3 10100 okay with RTX 3060 ti at 4K resolution?

I just upgraded to 4K monitor recently and my old rx 570 cant handle 4k resolution in most demanding games such as shadow of tomb raider, godfall, deadrising 4 ect. So I need to get new graphics card that can handle 4K resolution. The cheapest gpu and most decent one I can think of is RTX 3060 ti which is cut down version of 3070. I know it is not future proof. 8gb is not enough for future 4k gaming. but at least i can run old games at 4k without any performance issues. My budget is limited which is around $1000. So i cant afford high end cpus like ryzen 3700x 3600x or i7 10700k or i5 10600k. My target performance is just 60fps at 4k resolution. Is i3 10100 which is affordable to me will do the job with rtx 3060 ti?? I will use 16gb ddr4 2666mhz and duel storage configuration 120gb nvme and 1tb sata HDD. is 650 watt enough for 3060 ti?? shoud I get 750 watts? I know that at 1080P I wont get 244fps with i3 10100 even though rtx  3060 ti can manage to squeeze out. BUt will it okay at 4K resolution? will cpu usage will at 100% at 4k ultra preset?

2 Answers

  • 3 months ago

    search internet for 'bottlenecking' and see what those sites have to say

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    An i3-10100 and the RTX 3060ti would be acceptable for 4k or really any situation where 60-75fps is your target.

    If you look at other forums, listen to tech-youtubers, or read an article then you will hear/see them say the CPU is less important at 4k. That's sort of the case but it sort of isn't either. The fact is a modern day graphics card has trouble keeping the framerate to 60fps at 4k with the settings turned up, so the CPU would get used less. You'd see the same occurrence if you're trying to play games at 1080p/60fps with a lesser Graphics card like the GTX 1050ti or GTX 1650. 

    If you can find the extra $65 then the Core i5-10400 would be worthwhile, but if you can't then you could get by with the Core i3-10100. The i3-10100 at least has Hyperthreading which gives you 8 threads so modern PC Games won't be starved for threads.

    A quality 650w power supply would work with that setup. PSU recommendation is overstated because these companies want to cover their legal-bacon and some of these multicore processors like the i9-10900k and R9 5950x consume a lot of power. Processors like the Core i3-10100 or Ryzen 3 3300x don't eat electricity. Also, these 6-core processors like the Core i5-10400 and Ryzen 5 3600 don't consume a lot of power either. A 750w PSU would be a good idea if you plan to one day upgrade to the Core i9-11900k and an RTX 3080ti..... in which case these parts haven't been released yet.

    As far as a reference or baseline goes...... A CPU like the Core i7-6700k or Core i7-7700k, which are quad-cores with Hyperthreading, are still able to produce good framerates for gaming. The Core i3-10100 is pretty much on par with these processors. The Core i7-7700k is basically the same as the 6700k but it has a slightly higher clock speed and it overclocks better. The GTX 1080ti is still a viable Graphics card for 4k. The RTX 3060ti is 10% to 15% faster than the GTX 1080ti. The only problem you'll face with the RTX 3060ti is the limits of 8gb of VRAM, but lowering some of the quality settings will fix that, which lowers VRAM usage, and you'll see a good framerate.

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