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? asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 3 months ago

How dangerous are adrenaline shots could someone actually use it to boost their strength in a fight they'd otherwise lose?

When I first saw this comedy-action movie about these kids who wanted to be super heroes years ago I remember there was this girl who kept a adrenaline shot on her as a last resort. At the end of the movie she was fighting this muscular woman she had pretty much no chance of defeating and she took her adrenaline shot out and made a half assed attempt to stab the woman with it hoping that she'd think it was poison. The woman fell for it took it from her and then stabbed her with it the adrenaline then went through her body and allowed her to overpower the woman and kill her. I thought it was a cool idea and seemed like something that could work at least in theory but I'm sure there's a reason why I never heard of someone doing something like that in real life. Would this not actually work? Do adrenaline shots not actually work the way natural adrenaline works? Would it be to dangerous? This all assumes that adrenaline shots would be readily available to the person planning on using it of course.

1 Answer

  • 3 months ago

    I don't know the exact science involved but I recall a doctor saying that injected adrenaline does not have the same effect as the adrenaline released by the body. 

    Unlike the natural "adrenaline rush" that gives you a temporary boost in strength and energy, the doctor said an injection "boost" will be on the level of a cup of coffee, while the underlying effects could be fatal.  In short, he said it would help your performance about as much as much as having a stroke or heart attack would.

    Adrenaline shots are intended to compensate for sudden drops in heart rate or blood pressure.  Injecting adrenaline into a healthy body  would be like "red lining" your car's engine while already traveling 75 mph on the highway.  Any boost in acceleration would quickly be negated by loss of control and the bits of exploding engine flying through the cockpit.

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