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olive_r asked in SportsFootball (American) · 3 months ago

Your take on the Super Bowl?

We live in the Tampa Bay area.

An acquaintance, who, of course, was rooting for the Bucs, said Kansas City played well, they just were outgunned by the Bucs.

I know next to nothing about football but say Tampa Bay played textbook football that made it even look boring, while Kansas City seemed kind of scrambled, maybe because of unfamiliar positions due a recent injury. But also, some of them seemed intimidated.What say you  ...  do you feel KC played well but was just overwhelmed by the defense?

5 Answers

  • Adam D
    Lv 7
    3 months ago
    Favourite answer


    Tampa Bay was a quarterback away from competitive last year - they had a QB who threw nearly as many interceptions as touchdowns (30 interceptions, and now holds the record for most interceptions returned for touchdowns).  There are probably a dozen QB's out there who could have stepped in to run the offense and had a shot.  On top of that, they lured in several additional offensive weapons for this year.  Their defense was already stout last year, and after a few early missteps they were very good the remainder of the season.

    KC, on the other hand, was missing 2 starting offensive linemen and had a QB dealing with a toe issue that limited his threat as a mobile quarterback.  Their defense was alright, but often relied on the offense to simply overwhelm the opponents with scoring.  They played really poorly on offense.

  • 3 months ago

    The Chiefs having the best right tackle in the league out and then also losing their starting left tackle to injury in the previous game had a huge impact. But Tampa played a great game and deserved the win.

  • Kathy
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    Tampa only won because Brady cheated.

  • Burgoo
    Lv 6
    3 months ago

    KC looked bad, almost like they were unprepared for the game.  I would have expected their offense to figure out some way to crack TB's defense, maybe not win, but to at least show up.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    The chiefs didn't have much a running attack which made Tampa Bay play more pass defense against Mahomes. It's a very basic strategy in football to take away one of the two kinds of football offenses, run or pass.

    I'd generally agree with your other reasons, too.

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