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Can we move the Super Bowl back to January?
... since some people got upset because a white quarterback won during Black History Month.
15 Answers
- Anonymous2 months ago
No, keep it how it is. If liberals and the blacks are so mad then that’s their problem they need to worry about.
- 2 months ago
I have a better idea, eliminate black history month either that or have a history month for all the other race’s as well.
- Anonymous2 months ago
Or......We can tell the people who got upset to STFU.
- jamesLv 42 months ago
Some pathetic black sports media members (Marcus Spears is a great example ) have taken up a crusade talking up the black QB's and insinuating that any criticism of them is racist which is in itself is disgusting and racists i am a democrat and like me you should just change the channel .
- ?Lv 72 months ago
ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! The Super Bowl being played on the first Sunday in February is perfectly OK. Those who are pissed with a white QB winning it during Black History Month, guess what?! It's happened several times before. They better get the hell over it.
- KurtLv 52 months ago
The Super Bowl could still be played on the last Sunday in January by eliminating that "useless" open date after the conference championship games. There used to not be an open date. There's no need to wait 2 weeks to play a game.
- Cu TieLv 72 months ago
The only reason why the Super Bowl is in February is because the NFL season starts the 2nd week of September, and there really is no good reason for it to start that late when you have high school and college football played in August.