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If your waitress brought the wrong meal to the wrong table and you still ate it would you pay for it?

Most restaurants make the waitress pay for it out her own wages if the customer chooses not to pay for it.


None of the answers where my favorite. Not even close. Btw, that was one of the best free meals I had.

19 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 month ago


  • 2 months ago

    You knew it wasn't yours and you accepted it and ate it, and then you made the waiter pay for it. And you seem quite satisfied with yourself. Buddy that just speaks volumes about yourself. What a sad, sorry sack you are.

  • 2 months ago

    Well I wouldn't touch it and I would kindly ask the waitress to being me the right order, eating the wrong meal and then saying I'm not going to pay for it is a slimy move. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    My wife and I once went to a restaurant and after a very quick time our meal arrived. It wasn’t exactly what we’d ordered but quite close, so we didn’t say anything but just started to eat it. About 10 minutes later, the couple at the next table were having a row with the waiter, and it became clear that we had ver given their meal and they had been waiting ages. We quickly ate our meal, paid and left.

  • 2 months ago

    That's a very mean thing to do. also, trouble for waiter

    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    average waitress pay  $7 to $ 10   hr   USA

    average  restaurant meal price  $13  USA.......

    .... so a possible LOSS for the waitress

      about 2 hours  of PAY . that week  a reduction of 25 %  that day .... and her and or her  possible   child's loss  of a meal  that week    sneakers  or to meet  the heat or electric bill  or rent

    here is REALITY   being seated at the table i would  inform the waitress of her ERROR .....and may result in a decreased "TIP "  but ... CONSUMING the MEAL  " KNOWING " it was an error  is a INTENTIONAL  action  of FRAUD  ( deception )  for SELF GAIN .. PROFITING ... HAVING EATEN IT  then . COMPLAINING   CONFIRMING you KNEW  you got the WRONG  MEAL is ADMITTING  YOU KNEW it was the Wrong meal ..and ones INTENT . which demonstrated  CONSCIOUSNESS of GUILT .... a OWNER would understand this and BAN  the author from  his premise and  take the loss   and  set up a system  to decrease  the chance that the event would   re occur

      thank you for the inquiry

  • 2 months ago

    That's a very mean thing to do. You should have said something immediately, not eaten the meal and then complained. And since you ate it, you needed to pay for it. Cheapskate. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    i wouldnt eat it , i asked for something else , wheres the meal i ask for ..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    If you ate it, yes, pay for it.

  • 2 months ago

    If  you ate it, pay for it.  Why should you eat for free?  Only a douchebag would make the waitress pay.

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