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? asked in PetsDogs · 2 months ago

What is in my shoes that my puppy likes?

Everytime l enter the house and leave my shoes on the door step my puppy takes one of them and hide it in the grass where she relaxes and doesn't return when she is back

8 Answers

  • Rita
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    Dogs are very sensitive to smells so anything that smells like you as the owner is something the dog will gravitate towards. ... Shoe smells are some of the most common that dogs will go after. Your shoes both smell and taste like you, which makes your dog feel secure and safe.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    Fungus. This can easily be stopped if you BRING YOUR SHOES INSIDE.

  • 2 months ago

    my puppies  does that sometimes. when they go outside they like to steal the slippers and take it to the brushes and hide it and if your dog like to play shoes or toys sometimes you should to go the pets stores or target or  weglreen store they sells fum squeeky dogs that has alot of different animals squeeky toys that your dog might like to have and play with. some time rubber balls that lights up at night time keep the dog happy and play with all dog .on you can find fun and cute dog toys online too. if you want to save up some extras money. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago smells very strongly of its owner and becomes a prized possession for the pup. 

  • 2 months ago

    You need to put your shoes up high enough so the pup cannot get them.  It is the smell of you & the smell of the shoe.  Dogs love to destroy shoes.  You need to dog proof your home & yard to create a safe environment for the dog. Put things up so the pup cannot get hold of anything that will harm her.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Your scent, like E.H. said. But you did not say that she chews it, just plays hide and seek with it and nothing else. Just a puppy quirk. All dogs have their little quirks. My dog has to do what we call a "clothing check." Any time I change clothes, or get something new, he will go NUTS over it and sniff and sniff and nose-bump it to death. Any time I put on a coat, he goes crazy and has to lick it and bump it, BUT he never tries to chew it or destroy it. Just a little silly thing he has. 

  • 2 months ago

    Not only do your shoes provide your reassuring scent - while puppy is LEFT ALL ALONE, they offer something to mouth or chew on, if puppy  is stressed or bored.

    Surely... you do not expect the puppy to return a shoe - with ZERO training - to DO THAT.  (Kids do not automatically return shoes or clothes to closets, EITHER.)  The puppy takes it to play with it - just like any other toy.  Unless trained, puppy will not take or put back anything in a specific spot.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    The puppy is just being a pr1(k. There is nothing cute about that. 

    Why dog lovers find the annoying behaviour of a mutt cute is beyond me. 

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