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What happens if I don't take the ACT?

In Ohio, you are required to take the ACT, but there is nothing that says anything about what happens if you don't show up for the test. I do not plan on going to college and was under the impression that this test was optional. 


For those who don’t know the ACT doesn’t effect your HS grade, it’s just a way to show colleges how smart you are pretty much. It’s not a requirement for graduation 

4 Answers

  • drip
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    You don’t just don’t show up. You will have an unexcused absence from school.  Your parents can tell the school they are not going to have you take the exam. 

  • 2 months ago

    the test is optional, afaik.  and there is no consequence in terms of graduation high school, afaik.  plenty of community colleges in other states accept students who graduated high school but never took either the ACT or SAT exams.  Vo-tech schools, do too.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    This is done so the state can brag about it's ACT scores. Of course, you're mostly middle class, and you'll do fine- compared to the states with higher poverty rates. I don't know what they've written in to this as the consequence of not taking the test- there must be one. If you're sure that it doesn't affect your grade and it's not required for graduation, don't go. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    It may be required to graduate high school. I don’t know what it is.   Call the school or see your counselor, and ask. 

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