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All of a sudden I'm unable to watch You Tube videos on a new laptop.?

I have been watching You Tube videos on my new HP laptop computer,all of a sudden today I'm unable to get sound on the laptop and can't watch any type of videos including You Yube.My old laptop works just fine watching videos and no problem with sound.What can be the problem and how can I fix it.I need detailed instructions as I'm not computer savy.

Thank you

3 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    Most likely, it's as simple as the Mute button was pressed.  On a new laptop, it's unlikely that there is a complicated technical issue.

    Look around on the laptop for a button that looks like a speaker, possibly with an X by it or slash through it.  It might be on a function key, like in the top row of the keyboard, or a separate button elsewhere on the laptop.

    If you are running Windows, open the volume control and unmute, or type into the Start menu "mute sound," or Google a video on it.

    Make sure that the laptop normal speaker is being used - no ear buds or headphones or external speaker plugged in, or connected wirelessly via bluetooth.  The external device could have failed.

    As a last resort, you could reboot the system.

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    they might be having tech issues, contact youtube

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Try doing a system restore cause it can get your sound back also so you can watch videos again. it will take u step by step. If it shows restore points go back to the day when your pc was running good

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