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? asked in Business & FinanceSmall Business · 1 month ago

I want to make a Business but I don't know how?

I want To  Go to walmart or Target etc buy makeup or Anything and Re sell it! 

 I do have EIN! number    but do I need a business License?? 

7 Answers

  • 1 month ago

    Good for you, keep looking.  Be safe - start small and learn the ropes.

  • 1 month ago

    Okay, I recommend Globalvisionuae, one of the best business consulting companies in the UAE. you can check out 

     you will undoubtedly benefit from it.

  • Jay
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    Joanna, if you just started you do not need a business license until you have sold more than $3,000 worth of product. Until that point you call it HOBBY INCOME on your tax return.

    You probably should not have gotten the EIN, you could have filed everything under your SSN. Now you are going to have to file a business tax return in addition to your personal tax return.If you just got the EIN go back on line and cancel it.If you are CERTAIN you will sell more than $3,000.00 of your stuff this year, KEEP the EIN and in December ask a friend who knows accounting to help you with the taxes...or call an accountant.

  • 1 month ago

    You're paying retail price on those,  who would buy that at even HIGHER prices from you and still have to pay the shipping?  That makes no sense. 

  • 1 month ago

    Your business has ALREADY FAILED. Why would any pay YOU more for exactly the same product THEY can buy from Wal-mart of Target?

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Haha... This is funny. 

  • 1 month ago

    Do you understand the concept of "profit"?

    You have to sell it for more to make a profit.

    If I can get it at Target and Walmart for less, why would I buy it from you?

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