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Have you any idea what this is?

Somebody told me she was the victim of a deep pack or something like that. I spoke to through work so won't be calling her back to get her to spell it.

But she said it had to do with someone trying to get into her bank accounts, etc. I searched for deep pack and deep pac, etc., and couldn't find anything.

Do you have any item to what she is referring and could you give me the name please? Thanks for any help.


Thank you so much to the other answerer, too, who provided so much interesting and very correct-sounding information. Of course, the lady in question was not doing the deep hack, someone was attempting to victimize in that way. So I looked up deep hack and fraud and ran across deep fake. That may have been what she was up against but the investigators were using the deep hack phrase or that is what she thought they said. Thanks so much to both of you!

2 Answers

  • 1 month ago
    Favourite answer

    Do you mean "deep hack?"

  • 1 month ago

    In deep hack mode, you forget everything around you and become one with what you are working on because nothing exists any more except for the problem you are working on. In this zen-like state, you may not only solve your problem but achieve this better than you would ever have imagined. 

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