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22 Answers
- ?Lv 61 month agoFavourite answer
You do not need uninsured motorist coverage in Florida if you have health insurance. Florida law does not require drivers to carry uninsured motorist coverage,
In my state uninsured motorist coverage is only good for medical expenses for me and my passengers but ONLY *IF* the other party does not have liability insurance *AND* is found liable for the accident. Florida is likely the same.
Uninsured motorist is misnamed and I believe was done intentionally by the insurance industry to confuse people to sell that coverage to people who think it covers everything......It DOES NOT !
Just look at all the incorrect answers here today given by people who fall for the misnamed title.
- bobbyLv 61 month ago
It most certainly is worth it, it's called uninsured/underinsured coverage. If someone hits you and they are either not insured or their insurance does not cover your damages, that is when your "un" and "under" coverage will take over. Many people do not understand what uninsured/underinsured coverage is and how it works.
- Anonymous1 month ago
the only time i had My Car Insured was when I had A wife
I have been driving since 1953 and "MY" Only accident was in 1962
Car, Truck or Motorcycle
- garryLv 61 month ago
Ha a rule if you can afford gas for a car then you can afford insurance , simple isnt it , no insurance then you shouldnt have a car , after all you have an accident without insurance , how can you afford to fix the other car .
- Christin KLv 71 month ago
Yes, it's absolutely worth it. One minor fender bender without it can cost you thousands of dollars.
- Anonymous1 month ago
It is clear from previous answers that people have no idea what uninsured motorist coverage is. The insurance companies make pile of money on the ignorant.
#1 "Uninsured Motorist" coverage is defined differently in different states. #2 in Florida (and others) Uninsured coverage is ONLY for MEDICAL INJURY EXPENSES if your vehicle is struck by an uninsured motorist. PERIOD - it DOES NOT cover damage to your car, their car, anything else - it refers only to medical injury expenses. In a state like Florida, you do not need such coverage if you already have insurance that will cover your injuries.
- Karen LLv 71 month ago
Only if you get hit by an uninsured motorist who causes more than a few hundred bucks of damage. If you don't, then it was a waste of money. Of course, you never know when or if you'll get hit by someone who isn't insured or is under-insured.
- regeruggedLv 71 month ago
Yes, I think so. I carry uninsured and underinsured motorists coverage. I get a lot of coverage for relatively small premiums.
- IvanLv 61 month ago
I always have it. I was involved in a headon crash a few years back and the guy that hit me was uninsured. My uninsured motorist coverage completely repaired my truck for the 500 dollar deductable. There was nearly 5000.00 bucks in damage done to it. So, I always add that, and under insured drivers coverage to my policy.
- Anonymous1 month ago
I've never been broke or dumb enough to try it.